Avian DNA Relationship Determination

Avian DNA Relationship Determination

At Bird Sitting Toronto, we understand the significance of Relationship Determination in preventing uncontrolled inbreeding among birds. This service is particularly valuable for breeders and conservationists. Whether you’re dealing with budgerigars or Hyacinth macaws, all bird species are eligible for this test. We collect samples from a minimum of two different birds and compare them. The level of similarity in the results determines the degree of relatedness between the individuals. This information becomes crucial in making informed decisions about whether to proceed with breeding or not. Uncontrolled inbreeding can lead to various health issues, such as infertility, decreased lifespan, and higher susceptibility to illnesses, which is why careful consideration is necessary.

For avian DNA relationship testing, our fee at Bird Sitting Toronto is $95 per sample. During your appointment, Exotic Wings, our partner, will collect a small blood sample. You can expect to receive your results within approximately ten business days. Please note that this test involves comparing at least two samples against each other to obtain accurate results. Once ready, the results will be provided to you in the form of a comprehensive PDF report. If you are working with uncommon and rare species, taking the time to consider the benefits of relationship testing is essential for their overall well-being.